Apr 4, 2014

5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling

5 Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling
By Susan Gerle

One of the fears people have when they are traveling later in life is getting sick.  The "what ifs?" when they are halfway around the world is sometimes scary enough to keep them from traveling.

It's good to plan ahead.  So, what are some of the things you need to do to prepare?
1.Visit your doctor to find out what shots you need or should have for the countries you are visiting.  Allow lots of time to get them in case you have an adverse reaction to anything.
2.Arrange with your doctor to fill a
prescription for antibiotics to have on hand.
That way if you do get sick, especially with a lung or intestinal bug, you can start treatment without having to find a doctor immediately.
3.Take packages of electrolyte salts with you in case you get dehydrated.  They are easy to pack in your luggage.
4.if you have ethnic restaurants of the
countries you are going to be visiting available to you, take the opportunity to get your stomach used to different tastes and spices.
5.Seafood is popular in many 3rd world countries. Make sure if you plan to eat it that it is caught in the ocean.  If you are inland you are better off to avoid eating seafood because the rivers are often very polluted.

And if you do end up sick?  Make sure you have a good medical travel insurance policy.  You can arrange it through any reputable agency.

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