Apr 6, 2014

All-Inclusive Resorts as a Holiday Option

All-Inclusive Resorts as a Holiday Option
By Susan Gerle

I am normally a budget traveler when in Mexico but recently I chose to stay at an all-inclusive 4 star hotel on a short, well-deserved holiday. I had lived in the city for a year previous to that trip and knew my way around. 

I thought staying at an all-inclusive meant a stress-free holiday but it turned out it wasn’t as relaxing as I thought it would be.  Simple things became challenges, which surprised me. The first one was getting to the hotel. I know the Puerto Vallarta airport well and I usually walked out the door and got on a city bus or grabbed a cab. This time the hotel supplied transportation. We were one of the first couples off the plane, so we had to wait for everyone else. An hour later we finally got to the hotel, normally a 10-minute ride from the airport. Then we lined up to check into our room, there was another ½ hour wait. But no problem, even though it was late in the evening, copious quantities of free drinks awaited us after settling in! Of course everyone else had the same idea so it was necessary to wait in line once again.
The next morning arrived far too early (8 AM) with children screaming and shouting outside our window. Don’t get me wrong, I love children but I’ve already raised my own. A relaxing getaway wasn’t supposed to include noisy kids in close proximity.

Our room was right next to the kiddy pool and after explaining the situation to the desk clerk, Jesus (pronounced hay-zues), he managed to move us from the 2nd floor to the 9th floor. I really think the fact that I didn’t call him the English version of his name helped. The only thing above us was the penthouse and there were no kids around anywhere. Our new view was to die for. Our balcony looked out over Banderas Bay and south toward the Malecon in the downtown section. What more could we ask for?

Now that our noise issue was solved we could venture out and soak up the sun. It’s obvious that people who go to Mexico in the middle of winter look forward to Vitamin D intake and warm rays. The nice thing about an all-inclusive resort was they supplied towels and lounge chairs and even umbrellas or palapas (little woven palm roofs that take the place of an umbrella) for the guests. It’s not necessary to take a towel and lay on the hot sand on the beach, or so we thought!
Before long we ran into our next problem. There weren’t enough lounge chairs to go around. The challenge for poolside or beach seating began early each morning. A person had to get up at the crack of dawn in order to gain access to a coveted lounge chair. They would lay a towel out or even put a magazine on their chair of choice and often scoop 3 or 4 others for friends at the same time. Once their territory was marked it was theirs for the whole day……. Even if they didn’t use it! Because all the lounges are locked up each night, there was no possibility of planning a chair possession after dark.

Those of us who lulled about in our room in the early morning don’t stand a chance! The idea of setting an alarm clock while on holidays was disgusting! What could we possibly do to get a chair? I’m sure some people paid staff to do the dirty work for them. After some discussion we decided we would take turns each morning to get our coveted lounges. Believe me, by the end of each beautiful sunny day we were glad we did!

Another challenge at the all-inclusive in Puerto Vallarta was the lack of authentic Mexican food on the menu. I’m used to eating my share of local fare but obviously the hotel guests normally preferred American style food. I was hard-pressed to find even frijoles (beans) and there wasn’t a tortilla to be had anywhere!

There was a little cook shack on the grounds that was open mid-afternoon.  Hoping for a quesadilla, I headed over to check it out.  No luck unless I wanted hamburgers and hotdogs!

Taking into account all the challenges, would I consider doing an all-inclusive trip again? Yes I would. It’s still a nice change occasionally and can certainly be very relaxing.

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