Mar 29, 2015

Titusville Florida for Romance!

Nothing is nicer than running away for a romantic weekend with someone special in the springtime.  There are so many choices in the USA but here are 6 of the top places that are easily accessible from major international airports.

1.Titusville, Florida
Titusville, Florida is not usually high on the list as a romantic destination but it offers much more than many people realize.  There is nothing more spectacular or romantic than sitting on the shores of the water after dark watching a rocket being launched from Kennedy Space Center.

How about canoeing across the shallow waters and having a gentle Manetee dump your canoe because he wants to play with you?  Then there’s location, location, location!  Less than an hour away is Disney World and Epcot Center, both romantic places to hang out.  Take a trip to Kennedy Space Center for the day too.  All the information you ever wanted to know about that romantic symbol, the moon, is there.  There is also a great nature sanctuary located on the property.

Titusville is also very close to some of the best seafood restaurants in the world.  If you feel like taking a romantic walk along a famous beach, West Palm Beach or Daytona Beach are both located just a few miles away.

2.  Boston, Massachusetts
The city of Boston represents the history of the United States better than any other city in the USA.  The Freedom Trail can be experienced in a matter of 3 hours and is a beautiful, romantic walk through the old stone churches and brownstones.  You can almost hear Paul Revere’s famous ride through the streets.

Take time to check out antique shops and silverware stores in the city core.  Drop by Cheers Pub and Restaurant and capture some more memories of days gone by. The monument on Bunker Hill has 294 steps.  It’s a tiring climb but well worth the view from the top.

It is less than an hour’s drive from Boston to Plymouth.  Even though there is not much to look at anymore, the feeling of where it all started is evident in this small community.  It is well worth that romantic moment.

Of course the top romantic place close to Boston is Cape Code.  It’s only a 2-hour drive from the city, and the peace and ambiance of this wonderful spot is hard to resist.  Spend a quiet weekend biking around the cape or just enjoy the ocean from your front porch of a B and B.

3.  New York City, New York, USA
Whether it is the middle of summer or a cold day in winter, New York is one of the most romantic cities in the world.  It isn’t that it is a beautiful city.  It just has such a wonderful sense of ownership and pride.

Take a stroll through Rockefeller Center at any time of the day or night, and there will be people around.  Keep an eye out for famous stars attending events close by. 

The shopping is fantastic and even taking your sweetheart for a walk along 5th Avenue is a special treat.  And who wouldn’t want to enjoy a romantic carriage ride around Central Park?  Or walk through the park and stop for a ride on the turn-of-the-century carousel.  There is a sense of peace around the dedication to John Lennon at the special Strawberry Fields Memorial, also in the park.

If you choose, you can walk for miles around the New York Harbor, or take a ferry over to Ellis Island and also visit the Statue of Liberty.  And don’t forget to experience that romantic moment overlooking the city from the observation deck of the Empire State Building.

Broadway is famous for it’s live productions and it’s the perfect way to spend a romantic evening.  If you can’t get Broadway tickets, look at some of the great off-Broadway productions always available.

Then there is Times Square.  The noise and the people and the food and the light shows and the spontaneous music concerts draw huge crowds every night.  

4. Charleston, North Carolina, USA
Imagine Scarlet O’Hara in “Gone With The Wind” and you have a picture of one of the most romantic scenes in the world.  The heat of Charleston wraps itself around all that is feminine as well as historical.
Reminders of the civil war permeate the area as you and you partner stroll through the streets.  Take a tour of an antebellum mansion and fantasize about the beautiful women and handsome men dancing in the magnificent ballroom.

Visit a plantation that is still in operation 3 centuries later. Experience the heady smell of magnolia trees in bloom.  Walk through forests dripping with Spanish moss and feel a sense of early history.

There are studios where you can dress up in 19th century garb and have your photos taken.  Climb into a horse drawn surrey and enjoy a relaxing and romantic tour of the city.

Dine out at one of the many fine restaurants in the area.  Seafood is a southern favorite and don'’ forget to order a mint julip.

5.  San Francisco, California
The hills of San Francisco are dotted with funky, brightly painted condos and crooked streets.  It’s definitely a walking city for people in good shape so consider paying the extra dollars to stay downtown in one of the romantic hotels and enjoy the city on foot.  There are always tours of Alcatraz leaving from Fisherman’s Wharf or just hang out in the wharf area for a fantastic seafood meal.

You can get a great view of the Golden Gate Bridge from many spots in the city.  Just ask your hotel concierge where the best place is.

Of course, you can’t go to San Francisco without a ride on the cable cars.  Consider taking the cable up the hills and walking back down!  The history of the city is very interesting and there are many places to visit during your stay. San Francisco’sChinatown is also a must-see area.  It’s ornate gates welcome tourists from all over the world.

6.  San Diego, California
San Diego is a wonderful, romantic playground.  There are places to walk and boat and swim or even plan a day cruise offshore.  If you have made this your romantic destination for 3 or 4 days, consider taking in the San Diego Zoo.  You’ll spend your hours observing the antics of the animals in a very natural setting.  Of course, you can always get on a bus to tour the facility. 

The original “old town” offers many good Mexican restaurants and the main street stays awake late into the night.  Take a walk out to the end of the peer.  It’s a perfect spot to watch the sunset and enjoy the local surfers’ last evening runs.

If you have rented a car, take a drive up the coast and spend some time checking out the city of La Jolla.  Checking out the cliffside parks and tidal pools are a great way to spend a romantic day.


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