Mar 29, 2015

Hanging out in Waikiki

Hanging in Hawaii is suiting my lifestyle very well right now.  We arrived Saturday night in Waikiki, Oahu.  The Speedi Shuttle Service got us to the hotel (and will get us back) for a very reasonable cost.  We checked into the Imperial Hotel.  Its a little 80s but the staff are great and its a 5 minute walk to the beach/ sand/ ocean.

Ron wanted to see if a couple of places were still around after 30 years so we headed out for a walk as soon as we dropped our bags.  We found the Shorebird Beach Bar.... still in the same place but the look had changed completely.  

The next day we went looking for the Rose and Crown Pub, situated in King's Alley.  It's a place where Ron got thrown over the fence one night 30 (or more) years ago by the bouncer!  He eventually was allowed back in but it meant buying the bouncer his favorite drink.  

The pub has been renamed and is now the Island Rock Cafe.  I loved the look of the place. The owners have set it up like a vintage 50s Soda Bar with lots of memorabilia.  Ron was also happy because they still carried his favorite Hawaiian beer, difficult to find nowadays in Oahu.

One of the things I'm enjoying is the cultural experiences.  A good place to check out the entertainment is the Kani Ka Pila Grille at the Outrigger Reef. There are amazing singers and dancers telling the Hawaiian stories through music and motion.  Last night we listened to a young woman sing while she played an 8 string ukelele.  

The Hawaiian Center, a couple of blocks away, also gives free hula and ukelele lessons for anyone who wants to learn some basics.  I'll take those in next week after getting my tanning days in!

Tomorrow we are heading up to the North Shore to do some more reminiscing for Ron.  He spent a lot of time holidaying in a place called Kuhuku; address telephone pole #23.

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