Mar 26, 2020

6 Steps to Prepare for Mandatory Quarantine in Canada

I am getting ready to fly out of Puerto Vallarta on Friday and mentioned to my neighbour that I would have to find a mask to take with me. A minute later she came out carrying one, but not just any mask, an N95 mask complete with a front filter. I felt like a kid the had just been given a red flyer wagon or a Red Ryder BB Gun for Christmas. This was the ultimate in facemasks!
I asked her why she had it and she explained it was for her art work. She is a sculptor and this particular type of mask keeps her from breathing in the very small dust particles from the clay.
"I was given a few masks from a friend in Australia when he came to visit a couple of years ago," she said. "He is a fireman and these are the type of masks they use over there," as she handed me one.
I found it interesting that a mask that came from Australia was now going to keep me safe traveling from Mexico to Canada.
Or would it?
The Canadian government is telling me to come home but continue to social distance before and after. In order to get home I have to go to a very crowded airport where social distancing is not currently happening. Then I have to get on a crowded plane with 280 other people, who may or may not have the virus, and spend another 5 hours in the air with them.
Three weeks ago when this all began coming down, I had my friend in Canada arrange a flight out for me. He originally booked me on a flight for March 20th but the airline moved my flight up to March 27th, otherwise I would already be home without any severe restrictions in place.
As of yesterday, the Canadian government has changed the goalposts which I understand had to be done to keep everyone safe. Once I arrive in Vancouver on my crowded plane, I understand that I will be put in quarantine for 14 days under the government's mandate, but they aren't sure where they are going to put me yet.
Hopefully I will continue on to Kelowna. I was originally scheduled to fly there after a 2 hour layover in Vancouver but now I am spending the night in "Airport Chateau Vancouver" (thank you for the new name of the airport, Gail) and I will fly out on Saturday morning now.
The government is telling me when I get to my destination (wherever that is) I will be on complete lockdown, unable to even get outside for a walk...... or I will be subject to huge fines. Hopefully that will change or I will go stir crazy!
That makes me laugh because people who haven't got a job to return to when they get off the plane won't have the money to pay a fine.
Supposedly A&W and Tim Horton's have remained open in Vancouver International for fliers so I won't starve.

I am currently making my arrangements to return home. They include:
1. Draw out my 6 foot social distancing cloth, ready for my trip to the Puerto Vallarta airport tomorrow.
2. Get in touch with family so they can begin making arrangements for my stay either in Vancouver or my home town of Vernon, however far I get. This will require a vehicle to get from the airport, disinfected groceries for a week or two, someplace to stay that will keep everyone safe.
3. Gather information. The number that Canadians out-of-country in Mexico can call for more information about mandatory quarantine is 001-204-983-3500. Within Canada the number is 1-833-784-4387. Canadian Border Services (in Canada) is 1-800-461-9999.
4. Listen to the news and find out what the Canadian prime minister is saying this morning and whether the goalposts have changed yet again.
5. Pack my dinner for the plane because I gather there will be no food or drink services available.
6. Line up sanitisers, ie; hand sanitisers and sani-wipes.

Our world is dealing with an unprecedented event that we have to overcome anyway we can. I would rather stay here in the sunshine but I know the covid 19 has already made it's way here too. I can only hope that all my friends who stay behind stay safe! Enjoy this song first sung 35 years ago. We can beat this!

We Are The World!

(Susan Gerle is a writer who lives 6 months of the year in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in a very traditional Mexican neighbourhood.) 

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