Mar 19, 2020

Corona in Puerto Vallarta - Day 2

Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor, water and natureThis is Day 2 of my post from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico during the onset of the coronavirus here. I would rather be traveling right now and checking things off my bucket list but that isn't possible right now.
I read an article this morning about the stages of the virus as it developed in Italy over a 3 week period. From what I read, Mexico is in Stage 1. It has been confirmed that the virus is here.
Stage 2 is when 'red' zones are identified. This is when clusters of people have tested positive for the virus. For the Canadians out there, Lynn Valley, BC would currently be referred to as a 'red' zone.
Yesterday I went down to the beach and enjoyed a picnic with a Mexican friend. We maintained our 3 foot distance and were diligent walking to and from the beach. It was nice to get out and share a meal. Many restaurants have take out still. There was a couple sitting on the beach playing backgammon, a neat way to pass the day.
Another thing I did yesterday was go into OXXO and set up my phone with a 30 day plan that allows me unlimited calling anywhere in Canada, USA, and Mexico. It also includes 3 gb of data, all for 200 pesos.
I can use the phone when I get back to Canada to keep in touch with friends all over the country, which is very important to me. There is a mobile recharge app now available that you can download to top up monthly. It costs a couple of dollars but is well worth it. Hopefully Canadian phone companies will offer cheap plans one of these days soon!
This morning I began thinking about all the single friends I have living on their own and how important it is to have some sort of community to connect with. If you have friends on their own, please reach out to them. If they aren't on a social media site yet this may be time to help them do so. Whether friends or family connect through whatsapp or google hangout or private facebook chats, connect. I didn't mention facetime because iphone won't talk to android yet as far as I know!
One of the interesting changes in Italy during this pandemic is, for the first time in 60 years, there is marine life visible in the canals of Venice. With no boat traffic present, a dolphin was recently spotted. Also, white swans have been landing on the canals too.

Are you in self-isolation, wanting something to do? New York Library has made 300,000 online books available free of charge. 

Broadway has a number of live productions that you can currently stream.

NASA has opened their library to the public free of charge. You can take virtual tours of museums all over the world right now too or virtually visit a place that is on your bucket list. Self-isolation does not mean shutting down life.
Even if you are a grandparent and normally spend in-person time with your grandchildren, that doesn't have to change completely. Set up skype time during each day and play board games. If parents need a break from homeschooling, help them out, again using skype or whatsapp or facebook messenger. Stream a movie and watch it together, even if you have to make your own individual bowls of popcorn!

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