Mar 21, 2020

Corona in Puerto Vallarta - Day 3

There is more discussion this morning on what is happening in the world and now Mexico. The virus is inching its way into my paradise but luckily, the Governor of Jalisco state, where Puerto Vallarta is situated, has been much more proactive than the rest of Mexico. This was the notice put out as of yesterday afternoon.

ATTENTION EVERYONE IN JALISCO STATE!!! PLEASE SHARE! (otranslated for the snowbirds and expats)

Finally, the Governor of Jalisco speaks up! Maybe a little too fast to understand for some of you but here are the key points that I have picked out:


1. Going by the calculations and examples of Italy, Spain and USA, who he says put economics in front of people's safety (ouch!), Jalisco will take earlier measures to protect its people.

2. They will have $230 million pesos to invest in proper medical equipment and test kits etc.

3. Cancellations of mass events.

4. Jalisco was the first State to suspend classes which other States in Mexico have followed by example and provide the tools for classes online.

5. Bars, restaurants, gyms, churches etc. closures for the next 15 days.

6. Have $1,000 million pesos in aid for the small business sector. Wednesday they will inform business owners how to access funding.

7. The next 3 days they will announce a program for testing for the virus. (Mexico has followed the USA example until now.)

8. To avoid rumors, there will be no shortages of food, public transit will not be shut down, they will not negate private hospital testing, they will not suspend public service and they will do their best as a gov't to keep their people informed with true facts.

9. Calculations of this virus show that the next 5 days are crucial to control this virus.

10. The Jalisco Gov't is asking that we: STAY HOME FOR 5 DAYS to avoid forced quarantine later. It is a scientific fact that if we stay in isolation at home for the next 5 days, we can avoid a more serious outbreak!

There you have it!! This is no joke!!! I have family and friends in Italy, France and Spain!! They are wondering why we in Mexico have not taken action!!

California is not that far away from us and look what is happening there!

Please take this announcement seriously!!

I corresponded with a friend isolated on a cruise ship 24 hours of the coast of Australia. She was traveling from Australia to New Zealand and that country wouldn't let them dock. Australia was still trying to make up their mind whether they will let the people back into the country. (Update - she is in transit to Vancouver. My daughter-in-law's brother was trying to fly out of Bogota, Columbia before they closed the borders. Update- he is back home. Two more friends were trying to leave Portugal before the borders closed. Update - they are in transit.

I have a flight to return to Canada on March 27th but I'm not sure if that will happen. Like many, I will just have to wait and see. Most of the pubs and sports bars serving snowbirds and expats are already closed. Major league baseball, basketball, football, soccer, hockey, and golf venues have been shut down. Theatres are closing and many restaurants are only staying open for take out and delivery.

Many of my neighbours survive from day to day... living hand to mouth. How will they survive?
Life is different now. Hopefully it will get back to normal in four or five months as is happening in China. In the meantime, we must accept our new reality. 

How can you, as snowbirds or expats, help? Let your neighbours know what is going on. Tell your cleaning person or service people know that you will pay them, even if they don’t come. Buy a gift certificate online from a local restaurant to use when this is over. Share what you have with your neighbours (food, supplies, sanitation items). Put a notice up in your building saying that you are there to help and share your contact info.

Create a friend group on whatsapp or facebook and use video chats so you are not isolating totally or stay in contact by phone or email. Start playing scrabble or cards in your group or having discussions on different topics online

I can only say that if I end up in lockdown that I am happy to be in such a beautiful place, even if I can't get my daily quota of hugs or do my daily walk on the malecon! Rather than being in ‘self-isolation’ right now, I am choosing to be in ‘self-retreat.’

Stay safe everyone! I will be here in Puerto Vallarta for at least one more week continuing to enjoy the amazing sunsets! 

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